– letterpress, offset and digital printers

REPRESS is currently one of the largest advertising agency, printing and bookbinding company in the Hodonín region. We offer complete services in the field of printing, advertising and traditional bookbinding. REPRESS has a strong position on the market since its foundation in 1992. We have a range of modern digital printing machines of renowned brands Xerox, Roland, Konica Minolta, HP, Riso, Trotec, as well as classic offset and letterpress machines. Our professionally equipped graphic and DTP workplace is regularly upgraded with software and hardware. Graphic orders are processed according to typographic rules and the graphic design is always tailored to the specific client and order. Unique is also our bookbinding workshop, which deals with both finishing printed materials and classic binding of books, chronicles, including their repair. Our range also includes wooden book covers, menus and sample books.
We also operate our own e-shops:,,,,,
Place jobs directly in the printer
The main building of the REPRESS company at 3594/10 Plucárna Street is where most of the production is concentrated and where the company management is also located. There is also its own parking lot for customers and a courtyard, which facilitates loading not only pallet goods. Orders for printing, advertising services and bookbinding can be placed directly in our custom-made office or you can communicate with us electronically. Our great advantage is that we complete most orders under one roof. We therefore keep delivery times, costs and final price as low as possible.
From the history of REPRESS
REPRESS, spol. s r. o. was founded in September 1992. The main reason for the establishment of the company was the lack of printing and bookbinding services in the district town of Hodonín after the closure of the company Services of the City of Hodonín.
REPRESS started its activity with eight employees as a printing and bookbinding shop. REPRESS was originally located at 16 Velkomoravská Street in Hodonín. In 1994 there were significant changes in the management of the company and the company began to build a new strategy and expand its printing production. The building at 3594/10 Plucárna Street was purchased for production and administrative purposes, where REPRESS is still located today. As the range of production technologies was significantly expanded, the company hired new employees. We started with offset machines, later we acquired pad printing two-colour machines, cutting and printing plotters, letterpress technology including thermal cutting and die-cutting. A new powerful CO2 laser for marking and cutting was also installed. We have our own fully equipped finishing workshop – bookroom and hand bookbinding. Currently, our comprehensive work cycle allows us to complete a job from design to completion.
REPRESS has also established its own branch – a custom office. The COPY COLOR branch is located in the centre of Hodonín in the ESO department store on Národní třída. Now this branch also serves as a copy centre for the general public and is equipped with modern digital printing technology. Of course, there is also its own graphic and DTP workplace.
They said about us
Tiskárna REPRESS nám vychází vstříc rychlostí i kvalitou.
Spokojenost, od komunikace, přes návrhy a zhotovení zboží. Široký rozsah nabízených služeb a produktů, individuální přístup. Reklamní předměty doporučuji zadávat v předstihu.
Již několik let spolupracujeme s firmou REPRESS na zhotovování propozic, pamětních listů, razítek, pohárků na víno, bannerů a dalších předmětů pro naše akce, zejména Pochod slováckými vinohrady, na který se první říjnovou sobotu sjíždějí tisíce turistů z celé republiky i zahraničí. Jsme maximálně spokojeni, přednostmi firmy REPRESS jsou vstřícný přístup, maximální kvalita, rychlost zhotovení a solidní cena. Můžeme jen doporučit, Klub českých turistů Hodonín.
Naša firma spolupracuje s firmou REPRESS už 5 rokov a sme veľmi spokojný. Objednávka prebehne vždy bez problémov, rovnako musíme oceniť flexibilný prístup pri dodaní tovaru. Odoberáme holografické pečate, ktoré používame na naše zmluvy (zabezpečenie proti rozlepeniu) vďaka nim vyzerajú zmluvy originálne a odlišne od konkurencie a zároveň sú funkčné.
Chtěl bych rád poděkovat za vaše služby, které po několik let již naší firmě poskytujete, a které jsou pro naši společnost přínosem. Využíváním služby se nám povedlo realizovat zakázky, přesně dle našeho požadavku.
Jsem maximálně spokojená s realizací zakázek v tiskárně REPRESS, ať se jednalo o vazbu starých notových záznamů, restaurování knih nebo tvorbu panelu s historickým plakátem. Kladně hodnotím vstřícnost a ochotu všech zaměstnanců, se kterými jsem přišla do styku.