
Book production since 1992

Binding of books, magazines, newspapers, collections of laws, chronicles, memorial books, diploma theses and also book repairs are among the main activities of REPRESS bookbinding. Many years of experience in bookbinding is a guarantee of precise execution.

We have been producing books since 1992. We approach each book with originality and therefore guarantee precise execution. We pride ourselves on handmade work and books are produced on old manual bookbinding machines, therefore each book is always an original. For the production of books we use quality materials such as cardboard, bookbinding cloth, leather, imitation leather or even atypical ones such as wood or metal. Alternatively, supplied material can be used for the binding.

We make common book covers of type V1 (sewn), V2 (glued), V3 (block), V4 (soft) or V8 (hard). We will decorate your book with gilding, blind printing, coloured or gold trim (capitals or ribbon). We will emboss the text on the boards using the thermo embossing, decorative embossing or embossing method. We can make ring bindings on request, and wire or screw binding is also a fast binding method. Other bookbinding jobs we provide include sheet-folding, hole drilling, trimming, creasing or perforating.